spplugin のソースコード

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A python module for plugin-based audio file I/O based on `spPlugin
which supports several sound formats including WAV, AIFF, MP3,
Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, ALAC, raw, and more.

    The following is the example plotting the waveform of an input audio file.

        import os
        import sys
        import spplugin
        import numpy as np
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        def plotfilebyplugin(filename):
            with spplugin.open(filename, 'r') as pf:
                nchannels = pf.getnchannels()
                samprate = pf.getsamprate()
                sampbit = pf.getsampbit()
                nframes = pf.getnframes()
                duration = nframes / samprate

                y = pf.createndarray(nframes * nchannels)
                nread = pf.read(y)
                print('nread = %d' % nread)

                y.resize((nframes, nchannels))

                x = np.linspace(0.0, duration, nframes)
                for i in range(nchannels):
                    plt.plot(x, y[:,i])
                plt.xlim(0.0, duration)
                plt.xlabel('Time [s]')
                plt.ylabel('Amplitude (normalized)')

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
                print('usage: %s filename'
                      % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)


    The following is the another example using a high-level function of
    :func:`~spplugin.audioread` which is similar to MATLAB's one
    (version 0.7.16+).

        import os
        import sys
        import spplugin
        import spaudio

        def audioreadexample(filename):
            data, samprate, params = spplugin.audioread(filename)
            print('samprate = ' + str(samprate) + ', params =\\n' + str(params))

            with spaudio.open('wo', params=params) as a:
                nwframes = a.writeframes(data)
                print('write frames = %d' % nwframes)

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
                print('usage: %s filename'
                      % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)


    The following is the 'write' version of above example using a high-level
    function of :func:`~spplugin.audiowrite` which is similar to MATLAB's one
    (version 0.7.16+).

        import os
        import sys
        import spplugin
        import spaudio

        def audiowriteexample(filename):
            duration = 2.0
            with spaudio.open('ro', nchannels=2, samprate=44100) as a:
                nframes = round(duration * a.getsamprate())
                data = a.readframes(nframes, channelwise=True)
                print('nread = %d' % len(data))

                nwframes = spplugin.audiowrite(filename, data, a.getsamprate())
                print('write frames = %d' % nwframes)

        if __name__ == '__main__':
            if len(sys.argv) <= 1:
                print('usage: %s filename'
                      % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)



import sys
import os
import locale
import warnings
import array
from collections import namedtuple
from _spplugin import spplugin_c as _spplugin_c

__version__ = '0.7.16'

_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
_defaultdir = _spplugin_c.spGetDefaultDir()
_ischarbinary = isinstance(_defaultdir, bytes)

def _encodetocstr(pstr, encoding=None):
    if pstr is not None:
        global _ischarbinary
        if _ischarbinary:
            if encoding is None:
                global _encoding
                encoding = _encoding

            cstr = pstr.encode(encoding)
            cstr = pstr
        cstr = None
    return cstr

def _decodefromcstr(cstr, encoding=None):
    if cstr is None:
        return None

    global _ischarbinary
    if _ischarbinary:
        if encoding is None:
            global _encoding
            encoding = _encoding

        return cstr.decode(encoding)
        return cstr

_is_64bits = sys.maxsize > 2**32
_sysdirname = ''
_py_plugindir = ''

if sys.platform == 'win32':
    if _is_64bits:
        _sysdirname = 'win64'
        _sysdirname = 'win32'
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
    _sysdirname = 'mac64'

def _listup_plugin_files():
    i = 0
    while True:
        cstr = _spplugin_c.spSearchPluginFile(i)
        if cstr is None:
        i += 1

if _sysdirname:
    # d = os.path.dirname(sys.modules['spplugin'].__file__)
    d = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    _py_plugindir = os.path.join(d, '_spplugins', _sysdirname)
    if os.path.isdir(_py_plugindir):
        _py_plugindir = ''

[ドキュメント]def getplugininfo(name): """Gets detailed information of the plugin which has a name specified.""" cname = _encodetocstr(name) plugin = _spplugin_c.spLoadPlugin(cname) info = None if plugin is not None: info = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginInformation(plugin) if info is not None: info = _decodefromcstr(info) _spplugin_c.spFreePlugin(plugin) return info
[ドキュメント]def getplugindesc(name): """Gets short description of the plugin which has a name specified.""" cname = _encodetocstr(name) plugin = _spplugin_c.spLoadPlugin(cname) desc = None if plugin is not None: desc = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginDescription(plugin) if desc is not None: desc = _decodefromcstr(desc) _spplugin_c.spFreePlugin(plugin) return desc
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2166818/how-to-check-if-an-object-is-an-instance-of-a-namedtuple def _isnamedtupleinstance(x): t = type(x) b = t.__bases__ if len(b) != 1 or b[0] != tuple: return False f = getattr(t, '_fields', None) if not isinstance(f, tuple): return False return all(type(n) == str for n in f)
[ドキュメント]class Error(Exception): """Base exception class for spplugin.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class FileError(Error): """Exception raised by audio file problems.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class WrongPluginError(Error): """Exception raised by a wrong plugin.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class SuitableNotFoundError(Error): """Exception raised if no suitable plugin is found.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class BogusFileError(Error): """Exception raised if the audio file is bogus.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class FileTypeError(Error): """Exception raised if the specified file type is not accepted.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class SampleRateError(Error): """Exception raised if the specified sample rate is not accepted.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class SampleBitError(Error): """Exception raised if the specified bits/sample is not accepted.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class NChannelsError(Error): """Exception raised if the specified number of channels is not accepted.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class NFramesRequiredError(Error): """Exception raised if the total number of frames is required to use the plugin.""" pass
_StandardLibParams = namedtuple('_standard_lib_params', 'nchannels sampwidth framerate nframes comptype compname') _STANDARD_LIB_KEYS = ['nchannels', 'sampwidth', 'framerate', 'nframes', 'comptype', 'compname'] PARAMS_KEYS = ['nchannels', 'sampbit', 'samprate', 'nframes', 'pluginid', 'filetype', 'filedesc', 'filefilter', 'songinfo', 'sampwidth', 'framerate', 'length'] SONGINFO_KEYS_IN_NUMBER = ['track', 'track_toral', 'disc', 'disc_total', 'tempo'] SONGINFO_KEYS_IN_STRING = ['title', 'artist', 'album', 'genre', 'release', 'copyright', 'engineer', 'source', 'software', 'subject', 'comment', 'album_artist', 'composer', 'lyricist', 'producer', 'isrc']
[ドキュメント]class SpFilePlugin: """A class for audio file I/O. This class is similar to one provided by the standard libraries such as aifc, wave, or sunau. The important difference is that ``set*()`` functions must be called before :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.open` in this class. You can set parameters by using optional arguments of :func:`~spplugin.open` function. """ def __init__(self): self._pluginname = None self._open_mode = ' ' self._songinfo = {} self._plugin = None self._waveinfo_c = _spplugin_c.spWaveInfo() _spplugin_c.spInitWaveInfo(self._waveinfo_c) self._songinfo_c = _spplugin_c.spSongInfo() _spplugin_c.spInitSongInfo(self._songinfo_c) self._currentpos = 0 self._setparams_pluginid = None def __del__(self): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close()
[ドキュメント] def open(self, filename, mode, *, pluginname=None, samprate=0, sampbit=0, nchannels=0, filetype=None, songinfo=None, params=None): """Opens the file associated with the filename by using a plugin. Args: filename (str): The name of the file to open. mode (str): The opening mode. ``'r'`` means read mode, ``'w'`` means write mode. pluginname (str, optional): The name of the plugin used when this function cannot find the suitable plugin. Otherwise, :class:`~spplugin.SuitableNotFoundError` exception will be raised. If you want to read a raw file, specify ``'input_raw'`` . samprate (double, optional): Sample rate. sampbit (int, optional): Bits/sample. nchannels (int, optional): The number of channels. filetype (str, optional): File type string. songinfo (dict, optional): Song information. params (dict, optional): All acceptable parameters in dict format. Raises: SuitableNotFoundError: If no suitable plugin is found. """ if pluginname is not None: self._pluginname = pluginname if params is not None: self.setparams(params) if samprate != 0: self.setsamprate(samprate) if sampbit != 0: self.setsampbit(sampbit) if nchannels != 0: self.setnchannels(nchannels) if filetype: self.setfiletype(filetype) if songinfo: self.setsonginfo(songinfo) self._setsonginfo_toc() cpluginname = _encodetocstr(self._pluginname) cfilename = _encodetocstr(filename) cmode = _encodetocstr(mode, 'utf-8') self._plugin, errorcode \ = _spplugin_c.spOpenFilePluginAuto_(cpluginname, cfilename, cmode, 0, # SP_PLUGIN_DEVICE_FILE self._waveinfo_c, self._songinfo_c) if self._setparams_pluginid and errorcode == -11: _spplugin_c.spFreePlugin(self._plugin) _spplugin_c.spSetWaveInfoFileType_(self._waveinfo_c, None) self._plugin, errorcode \ = _spplugin_c.spOpenFilePluginAuto_(cpluginname, cfilename, cmode, 0, # SP_PLUGIN_DEVICE_FILE self._waveinfo_c, self._songinfo_c) self._procopenerror(errorcode) self._open_mode = mode self._currentpos = 0
[ドキュメント] def close(self): """Closes the current audio file.""" if self._plugin is not None: _spplugin_c.spCloseFilePlugin(self._plugin) self._plugin = None self._open_mode = ' ' self._currentpos = 0 self._songinfo = {} self._setparams_pluginid = None
def _procopenerror(self, errorcode): if errorcode != 1: if errorcode == -1: raise WrongPluginError('wrong plugin') elif errorcode == -6: raise SuitableNotFoundError('no suitable plugin is found') elif errorcode == -10: raise BogusFileError('this audio file is bogus') elif errorcode == -11: raise FileTypeError('the file type is not accepted') elif errorcode == -12: raise SampleRateError('the sample rate is not accepted') elif errorcode == -13: raise SampleBitError('the bits/sample is not accepted') elif errorcode == -14: raise NChannelsError('the number of channels is not accepted') elif errorcode == -16: raise NFramesRequiredError('the total number of frames is required') else: raise FileError('unknown file error') _spplugin_c.spFreePlugin(self._plugin) self._plugin = None
[ドキュメント] def getpluginversion(self): """Gets the version of the plugin currently used.""" if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') flag, version, revision = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginVersion(self._plugin) if not flag: raise RuntimeError('cannot get plugin version') return version, revision
[ドキュメント] def getpluginname(self): """Gets the name of the plugin currently used.""" if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') name = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginName(self._plugin) if name is not None: name = _decodefromcstr(name) return name
[ドキュメント] def getpluginid(self): """Gets the ID of the plugin currently used.""" if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') id = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginId(self._plugin) if id is not None: id = _decodefromcstr(id) return id
[ドキュメント] def getplugininfo(self): """Gets the detailed information of the plugin currently used.""" if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') info = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginInformation(self._plugin) if info is not None: info = _decodefromcstr(info) return info
[ドキュメント] def getplugindesc(self): """Gets the short description of the plugin currently used.""" if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') desc = _spplugin_c.spGetPluginDescription(self._plugin) if desc is not None: desc = _decodefromcstr(desc) return desc
def _setsonginfo_toc(self): if self._songinfo: for key, value in self._songinfo.items(): ckey = _encodetocstr(key, 'utf-8') if isinstance(value, str): cvalue = _encodetocstr(value) _spplugin_c.spUpdateSongInfoStringField_(self._songinfo_c, ckey, cvalue) else: _spplugin_c.spUpdateSongInfoNumberField_(self._songinfo_c, ckey, value) def _getsonginfo_fromc(self): for _, key in enumerate(SONGINFO_KEYS_IN_NUMBER): ckey = _encodetocstr(key, 'utf-8') number = _spplugin_c.spGetSongInfoNumberField_(self._songinfo_c, ckey) if number >= 0: self._songinfo[key] = number for _, key in enumerate(SONGINFO_KEYS_IN_STRING): ckey = _encodetocstr(key, 'utf-8') cstring = _spplugin_c.xspGetSongInfoStringField_(self._songinfo_c, ckey) if cstring: self._songinfo[key] = _decodefromcstr(cstring)
[ドキュメント] def setsonginfo(self, songinfo): """Sets song information to the file.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') self._songinfo = songinfo self._setsonginfo_toc()
[ドキュメント] def appendsonginfo(self, songinfo): """Appends song information to the current internal information.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') # append dict of 'songinfo' arg to '_songinfo' self._songinfo = dict(self._songinfo, **songinfo) self._setsonginfo_toc()
[ドキュメント] def getsonginfo(self): """Gets song information of the current file.""" self._getsonginfo_fromc() return self._songinfo
[ドキュメント] def setfiletype(self, filetype): """Sets file type to the file.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') cfiletype = _encodetocstr(filetype) _spplugin_c.spSetWaveInfoFileType_(self._waveinfo_c, cfiletype)
[ドキュメント] def getfiletype(self): """Gets file type of the current file.""" cfiletype = _spplugin_c.xspGetWaveInfoStringField_(self._waveinfo_c, 0) if cfiletype: filetype = _decodefromcstr(cfiletype) else: filetype = None return filetype
[ドキュメント] def getfiledesc(self): """Gets file description of the current file. For example, ``'Microsoft PCM'`` for a WAV file in PCM format. """ cfiledesc = _spplugin_c.xspGetWaveInfoStringField_(self._waveinfo_c, 1) if cfiledesc: filedesc = _decodefromcstr(cfiledesc) else: filedesc = None return filedesc
[ドキュメント] def getfilefilter(self): """Gets file filter (e.g. ``'*.wav'``) of the current file.""" cfilefilter = _spplugin_c.xspGetWaveInfoStringField_(self._waveinfo_c, 2) if cfilefilter: filefilter = _decodefromcstr(cfilefilter) else: filefilter = None return filefilter
[ドキュメント] def setsamprate(self, samprate): """Sets sample rate to the file.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') self._waveinfo_c.samp_rate = samprate
[ドキュメント] def setframerate(self, samprate): """Sets sample rate to the file.""" self.setsamprate(samprate)
[ドキュメント] def getsamprate(self): """Gets sample rate of the current file.""" return self._waveinfo_c.samp_rate
[ドキュメント] def getframerate(self): """Gets sample rate of the current file.""" return self.getsamprate()
[ドキュメント] def setsampbit(self, sampbit): """Sets bits/sample to the file. sampbit = 33 means 32bit float.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') if sampbit < 8: raise ValueError('sampbit >= 8 is required') self._waveinfo_c.samp_bit = sampbit
[ドキュメント] def setsampwidth(self, sampwidth, floatflag=False): """Sets bytes/sample of the current file.""" sampbit = sampwidth * 8 if floatflag: sampbit += 1 return self.setsampbit(sampbit)
[ドキュメント] def getsampbit(self): """Gets bits/sample of the current file. sampbit = 33 means 32bit float.""" return self._waveinfo_c.samp_bit
[ドキュメント] def getsampwidth(self): """Gets bytes/sample of the current file.""" return self.getsampbit() // 8
[ドキュメント] def getrawsampbit(self): """Gets the bits/sample for a raw array.""" if self._waveinfo_c.samp_bit < 16: return 16 elif 16 < self._waveinfo_c.samp_bit <= 32: return 32 else: return self.getsampwidth() * 8
[ドキュメント] def getrawsampwidth(self): """Gets the bytes/sample for a raw array.""" return self.getrawsampbit() // 8
[ドキュメント] def setnchannels(self, nchannels): """Sets the number of channels to the file.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') if nchannels <= 0: raise ValueError('nchannels >= 1 is required') self._waveinfo_c.num_channel = nchannels
[ドキュメント] def getnchannels(self): """Gets the number of channels of the current file.""" return self._waveinfo_c.num_channel
[ドキュメント] def setnframes(self, nframes): """Sets the total number of frames of the current file.""" if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') if nframes <= 0: raise ValueError('nframes >= 1 is required') self._waveinfo_c.length = nframes
[ドキュメント] def getnframes(self): """Gets the total number of frames of the current file.""" return self._waveinfo_c.length
[ドキュメント] def getcomptype(self, decodebytes=False): """Returns compression type. Currently, ``'NONE'`` (decodebytes = ``True``) or ``b'NONE'`` (decodebytes = ``False``) will be returned.""" if decodebytes: return 'NONE' else: return b'NONE'
[ドキュメント] def getcompname(self, decodebytes=False): """Returns human-readable name of compression type. Currently, ``'not compressed'`` (decodebytes = ``True``) or ``b'not compressed'`` (decodebytes = ``False``) will be returned. """ if decodebytes: return 'not compressed' else: return b'not compressed'
[ドキュメント] def setcomptype(self, encodestr=True): """Sets compression type. Currently, this parameter is ignored.""" pass
[ドキュメント] def setparams(self, params): """Sets supported all parameters described in dict or namedtuple object to the file. Args: params (dict): a dict object of parameters whose keys are ``'nchannels'``, ``'sampbit'``, ``'samprate'``, ``'nframes'``, ``'filetype'``, or ``'songinfo'``. The namedtuple generated by standard libraries such as aifc, wave, or sunau is also acceptable. """ if self._plugin is not None: raise RuntimeError('set before opening file') # if isinstance(params, namedtuple): if _isnamedtupleinstance(params): # some versions of Python include _asdist() bug. params = dict(zip(params._fields, params)) elif isinstance(params, tuple): params = dict(zip(_STANDARD_LIB_KEYS, params)) sampbit = 0 pluginid = None self._setparams_pluginid = None for key, value in params.items(): if key == 'sampwidth': if sampbit == 0: sampbit = value * 8 elif key == 'sampbit': sampbit = value elif key == 'nchannels': self.setnchannels(value) elif key in ('samprate', 'framerate'): self.setsamprate(value) elif key in ('nframes', 'length'): self.setnframes(value) elif key == 'pluginid': pluginid = value elif key == 'filetype': self.setfiletype(value) elif key == 'songinfo': self.setsonginfo(value) if sampbit > 0: self.setsampbit(sampbit) if pluginid: self._setparams_pluginid = pluginid
[ドキュメント] def getparams(self): """Gets supported all parameters of the current file in dict object. Returns: dict: A dict object including all parameters of the current file whose keys are ``'nchannels'``, ``'sampbit'``, ``'samprate'``, ``'nframes'``, ``'filetype'``, and ``'songinfo'``. """ return dict(nchannels=self.getnchannels(), sampbit=self.getsampbit(), samprate=self.getsamprate(), nframes=self.getnframes(), pluginid=self.getpluginid(), filetype=self.getfiletype(), filedesc=self.getfiledesc(), filefilter=self.getfilefilter(), songinfo=self.getsonginfo(), sampwidth=self.getrawsampwidth(), framerate=self.getframerate())
[ドキュメント] def getparamstuple(self, decodebytes=False): """Gets supported all parameters of the current file in namedtuple object. Args: decodebytes (bool, optional): ``True`` decodes bytes objects into string objects obtained by :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.getcomptype` and :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.getcompname` . The standard libraries of wave and sunau expect a decoded string object while the standard aifc library expects a bytes object. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtuple object including all parameters of the current file whose entries are ``(nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname)`` . This object is compatible with the argument of ``setparams()`` of standard libraries such as aifc, wave, or sunau. """ return _StandardLibParams(self.getnchannels(), self.getsampwidth(), self.getframerate(), self.getnframes(), self.getcomptype(decodebytes), self.getcompname(decodebytes))
[ドキュメント] def getrawarraytypecode(self): """Gets the type code for python array to store raw data. Returns: char: A type code for the current settings. """ sampbit = self.getrawsampbit() if sampbit >= 64: typecode = 'd' elif sampbit >= 33: typecode = 'f' elif sampbit > 16: # sampbit >= 32 typecode = 'l' else: typecode = 'h' return typecode
[ドキュメント] def createrawarray(self, length, nframesflag=False): """Creates a raw array for the current file settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. Returns: array.array: An array class object for the current file settings. """ if nframesflag: length = int(length) * self.getnchannels() size = int(length) * self.getrawsampwidth() buffer = bytearray(size) return array.array(self.getrawarraytypecode(), buffer)
[ドキュメント] def getarraytypecode(self): """Gets the type code for python array to store double-precision data. Returns: char: A type code of a double-precision array for the current settings. """ return 'd'
[ドキュメント] def createarray(self, length, nframesflag=False): """Creates a double-precision array for the current file settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. Returns: array.array: An array class object for the current file settings. """ if nframesflag: length = int(length) * self.getnchannels() size = int(length) * 8 buffer = bytearray(size) return array.array(self.getarraytypecode(), buffer)
[ドキュメント] def getrawndarraydtype(self): """Gets the dtype string for numpy ndarray to store raw data. Returns: string: A dtype string for the current settings. """ sampbit = self.getrawsampbit() if sampbit >= 64: dtypestr = 'f8' elif sampbit >= 33: dtypestr = 'f4' elif sampbit > 16: # sampbit >= 32 dtypestr = 'i4' else: dtypestr = 'i2' return dtypestr
[ドキュメント] def createrawndarray(self, length, nframesflag=False, channelwise=False): """Creates a raw numpy ndarray for the current file settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned array into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is introduced in Version 0.7.16. Returns: numpy.ndarray: An ndarray class object for the current file settings. """ import numpy as np nchannels = self.getnchannels() if nframesflag: nframes = int(length) length = nframes * nchannels else: length = int(length) nframes = length // nchannels size = length * self.getrawsampwidth() buffer = bytearray(size) oarray = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=self.getrawndarraydtype()) if channelwise: oarray.resize((nframes, nchannels)) return oarray
[ドキュメント] def getndarraydtype(self): """Gets the dtype string for numpy ndarray to store double-precision data. Returns: string: A dtype string for the current settings. """ return 'f8'
[ドキュメント] def createndarray(self, length, nframesflag=False, channelwise=False): """Creates a numpy double-precision array for the current file settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned array into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is introduced in Version 0.7.16. Returns: numpy.ndarray: An ndarray class object for the current file settings. """ import numpy as np nchannels = self.getnchannels() if nframesflag: nframes = int(length) length = nframes * nchannels else: length = int(length) nframes = length // nchannels size = length * 8 buffer = bytearray(size) oarray = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=self.getndarraydtype()) if channelwise: oarray.resize((nframes, nchannels)) return oarray
[ドキュメント] def setpos(self, pos): """Seeks to the specified position. Args: pos: a position to seek. """ if pos < 0 or pos > self.getnframes(): raise ValueError('position not in range') if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') if self._open_mode[0] != 'r': raise RuntimeError('file must be opened with read mode') if not _spplugin_c.spSeekPlugin(self._plugin, pos): raise FileError('seek error') else: self._currentpos = pos
[ドキュメント] def rewind(self): """Rewinds to the beginning of the file.""" self.setpos(0)
[ドキュメント] def tell(self): """Gets the current position in the file.""" return self._currentpos
[ドキュメント] def setmark(self, id, pos, name): """Does nothing (for compatibility with standard libraries such as aifc, wave, and sunau).""" raise Error('setmark() not supported')
[ドキュメント] def getmark(self, id): """Does nothing (for compatibility with standard libraries such as aifc, wave, and sunau).""" raise Error('no marks')
[ドキュメント] def getmarkers(self): """Does nothing (for compatibility with standard libraries such as aifc, wave, and sunau).""" return None
[ドキュメント] def copyraw2array(self, rawdata, sampwidth, bigendian_or_signed8bit=False): """Copies raw bytes (bytearray) data contents to a new raw array (array.array). Args: rawdata (bytes or bytearray): Input bytes or bytearray object. sampwidth (int): bytes/sample of rawdata bigendian_or_signed8bit (bool, optional): Specify ``True`` if endianness of rawdata is big endian (16- or 32-bit case) or data type of rawdata (8-bit case) is signed 8-bit. Returns: array.array: An array class object which contains converted data. """ dest_bigendian = sys.byteorder == 'big' dest_sampwidth = self.getrawsampwidth() length = len(rawdata) // sampwidth outarray = self.createrawarray(length) _spplugin_c.spCopyBuffer_(memoryview(outarray), dest_sampwidth, dest_bigendian, rawdata, sampwidth, bigendian_or_signed8bit, 0) if sampwidth == 3: for n in range(length): outarray[n] //= 256 return outarray
[ドキュメント] def copyarray2raw(self, inarray, sampwidth, bigendian_or_signed8bit=False): """Copies raw array (array.array) contents to a new raw bytes (bytearray) data. Args: inarray (array.array): Input array object. sampwidth (int): bytes/sample of output data. bigendian_or_signed8bit (bool, optional): Specify ``True`` if endianness of output data is big endian (16- or 32-bit case) or data type of output data is signed 8-bit (8-bit case). Returns: bytearray: A bytearray class object which contains converted data. """ if not isinstance(inarray, array.array): raise RuntimeError('input type must be array.array') src_bigendian = sys.byteorder == 'big' src_sampwidth = self.getrawsampwidth() length = len(inarray) rawdata = bytearray(length * sampwidth) _spplugin_c.spCopyBuffer_(rawdata, sampwidth, bigendian_or_signed8bit, memoryview(inarray), src_sampwidth, src_bigendian, 1 if self.getsampbit() == 24 else 0) return rawdata
[ドキュメント] def readraw(self, data, offset=0, length=0): """Reads raw data from the audio file. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A raw array to receive raw data from the audio file. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional read length for the array. Returns: int: The read size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._open_mode[0] != 'r': raise RuntimeError('file must be opened with read mode') if isinstance(data, bytearray): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np buffer = data.data else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') offsetbyte = int(offset) * self.getrawsampwidth() if offset > 0 else 0 lengthbyte = int(length) * self.getrawsampwidth() if length > 0 else 0 nread = _spplugin_c.spReadPluginInByte_(self._plugin, buffer, offsetbyte, lengthbyte) nread2 = nread // self.getrawsampwidth() if nread > 0 else nread if nread > 0: self._currentpos += nread2 // self._waveinfo_c.num_channel return nread2
[ドキュメント] def read(self, data, weight=1.0, offset=0, length=0): """Reads data to a double-precision array from the audio file. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A double-precision array to receive data from the audio file. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data after reading. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional read length for the array. Returns: int: The read size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._open_mode[0] != 'r': raise RuntimeError('file must be opened with read mode') if isinstance(data, bytearray): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): if data.typecode != 'd': raise RuntimeError('the typecode must be \'d\'') buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np if not np.issubdtype('f8', data.dtype): raise RuntimeError('the dtype must be \'f8\' (\'float64\')') buffer = data.data else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') nread = _spplugin_c.spReadPluginDoubleWeighted_(self._plugin, buffer, weight, offset, length) if nread > 0: self._currentpos += nread // self._waveinfo_c.num_channel return nread
[ドキュメント] def writeraw(self, data, offset=0, length=0): """Writes data of a raw array to the audio file. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A raw array to send data to the audio file. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional write length for the array. Returns: int: The written size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._open_mode[0] != 'w': raise RuntimeError('file must be opened with write mode') if isinstance(data, (bytearray, bytes)): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np buffer = data.data else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') offsetbyte = int(offset) * self.getrawsampwidth() if offset > 0 else 0 lengthbyte = int(length) * self.getrawsampwidth() if length > 0 else 0 nwrite = _spplugin_c.spWritePluginInByte_(self._plugin, buffer, offsetbyte, lengthbyte) nwrite2 = nwrite // self.getrawsampwidth() if nwrite > 0 else nwrite if nwrite > 0: self._currentpos += nwrite2 // self._waveinfo_c.num_channel return nwrite2
[ドキュメント] def write(self, data, weight=1.0, offset=0, length=0): """Writes data of a double-precision array to the audio file. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A double-precision array to send data to the audio file. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data before writing. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional write length for the array. Returns: int: The written size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._plugin is None: raise RuntimeError('file must be opened') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._open_mode[0] != 'w': raise RuntimeError('file must be opened with write mode') if isinstance(data, (bytearray, bytes)): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): if data.typecode != 'd': raise RuntimeError('the typecode must be \'d\'') buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np if not np.issubdtype('f8', data.dtype): raise RuntimeError('the dtype must be \'f8\' (\'float64\')') buffer = data.data else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') nwrite = _spplugin_c.spWritePluginDoubleWeighted_(self._plugin, buffer, weight, offset, length) if nwrite > 0: self._currentpos += nwrite // self._waveinfo_c.num_channel return nwrite
[ドキュメント] def readframes(self, nframes, weight=1.0, arraytype='ndarray', channelwise=False): """Reads and returns the next `nframes` data of a double-precision array. Args: nframes (int): The number of frames to read. A negative value means the total number of frames. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data after reading. arraytype (str, optional): The type of output array. The value must be ``'ndarray'`` (default), ``'array'``, or ``'bytearray'``. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned ndarray into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is valid only in ``arraytype='ndarray'`` case. Returns: numpy.ndarray, array.array or bytearray: The output array object containing read data. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ remainlen = self.getnframes() - self.tell() if nframes <= 0 or remainlen < nframes: nframes = remainlen if nframes <= 0: raise RuntimeError('invalid nframes value') length = int(nframes) * self.getnchannels() if arraytype in ('ndarray', 'numpy.ndarray'): data = self.createndarray(length, channelwise=channelwise) elif arraytype in ('array', 'array.array'): data = self.createarray(length) elif arraytype == 'bytearray': data = bytearray(length * 8) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown arraytype: %s' % arraytype) nread = self.read(data, weight=weight) if nread != length: warnings.warn('The read length (%d) is different from the buffer length (%d)' % (nread, length)) return data
[ドキュメント] def readrawframes(self, nframes, arraytype='ndarray', channelwise=False): """Reads and returns the next `nframes` data of a raw array. Args: nframes (int): The number of frames to read. A negative value means the total number of frames. arraytype (str, optional): The type of output array. The value must be ``'ndarray'`` (default), ``'array'``, or ``'bytearray'``. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned ndarray into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is valid only in ``arraytype='ndarray'`` case. Returns: numpy.ndarray, array.array or bytearray: The output array object containing read data. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ remainlen = self.getnframes() - self.tell() if nframes <= 0 or remainlen < nframes: nframes = remainlen if nframes <= 0: raise RuntimeError('invalid nframes value') length = int(nframes) * self.getnchannels() if arraytype in ('ndarray', 'numpy.ndarray'): data = self.createrawndarray(length, channelwise=channelwise) elif arraytype in ('array', 'array.array'): data = self.createrawarray(length) elif arraytype == 'bytearray': data = bytearray(length * self.getrawsampwidth()) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown arraytype: %s' % arraytype) nread = self.readraw(data) if nread != length: warnings.warn('The read length (%d) is different from the buffer length (%d)' % (nread, length)) return data
[ドキュメント] def writeframes(self, data, weight=1.0): """Writes data of a double-precision array to the audio file. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A double-precision array to send data to the audio file. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data before writing. Returns: int: The written number of frames if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ nwrite = self.write(data, weight=weight) if nwrite > 0: nwrite = nwrite // self._waveinfo_c.num_channel return nwrite
[ドキュメント] def writerawframes(self, data): """Writes data of a raw array to the audio file. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A raw array to send data to the audio file. Returns: int: The written number of frames if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ nwrite = self.writeraw(data) if nwrite > 0: nwrite = nwrite // self._waveinfo_c.num_channel return nwrite
[ドキュメント]def open(filename, mode, *, pluginname=None, samprate=0, sampbit=0, nchannels=0, filetype=None, songinfo=None, params=None): """Opens the file associated with the filename by using a plugin. This function may be used in a ``with`` statement. Args: filename (str): The name of the file to open. mode (str): The opening mode. ``'r'`` means read mode, ``'w'`` means write mode. pluginname (str, optional): The name of the plugin used when this function cannot find the suitable plugin. Otherwise, :class:`~spplugin.SuitableNotFoundError` exception will be raised. If you want to read a raw file, specify ``'input_raw'`` . samprate (double, optional): Sample rate. sampbit (int, optional): Bits/sample. nchannels (int, optional): The number of channels. filetype (str, optional): File type string. songinfo (dict, optional): Song information. params (dict, optional): All acceptable parameters in dict format. Returns: SpFilePlugin: A new instance of :class:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin` class. Raises: SuitableNotFoundError: If no suitable plugin is found. """ pf = SpFilePlugin() try: pf.open(filename, mode, pluginname=pluginname, samprate=samprate, sampbit=sampbit, nchannels=nchannels, filetype=filetype, songinfo=songinfo, params=params) except Exception: pf = None raise return pf
[ドキュメント]def audioread(filename, samples=(0, -1), datatype='double', *, weight=1.0, arraytype='ndarray', channelwise=True, getparamstuple=False, decodebytes=False, pluginname=None, samprate=0, sampbit=0, nchannels=0, filetype=None, params=None): """Reads contents of an audio file by using a plugin. Args: filename (str): The name of the file to open. samples (tuple, optional): The audio sample (frame) range which has the form ``(start, finish)`` . If ``finish`` is negative, it means the end of the file. datatype (str, optional): The format of the output data. ``'double'`` case makes :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.readframes` method used and ``'raw'`` case makes :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.readrawframes` method used internally. Note that ``'raw'`` case ignores `weight` argument. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data after reading. arraytype (str, optional): The type of output array. The value must be ``'ndarray'`` (default), ``'array'``, or ``'bytearray'``. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned ndarray into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is valid only in ``arraytype='ndarray'`` case. getparamstuple (bool, optional): ``True`` makes :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.getparamstuple` used internally. decodebytes (bool, optional): ``True`` decodes bytes objects into string objects in calling :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.getparamstuple` method. This argument is valid only in ``getparamstuple=True`` case. pluginname (str, optional): The name of the plugin used when this function cannot find the suitable plugin. Otherwise, :class:`~spplugin.SuitableNotFoundError` exception will be raised. If you want to read a raw file, specify ``'input_raw'`` . samprate (double, optional): Sample rate. sampbit (int, optional): Bits/sample. nchannels (int, optional): The number of channels. filetype (str, optional): File type string. songinfo (dict, optional): Song information. params (dict, optional): All acceptable parameters in dict format. Returns: tuple: The output tuple whose elements are the following. * `numpy.ndarray, array.array or bytearray` -- The output array object containing read data. * `double` -- Sample rate of the audio file. * `dict or namedtuple` -- If ``getparamstuple=False`` , A dict object same as that obtained by :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.getparams` method will be returned. If ``getparamstuple=True`` , A namedtuple object same as that obtained by :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.getparamstuple` method will be returned. Raises: SuitableNotFoundError: If no suitable plugin is found. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ rettup = (None, 0.0, None) try: with open(filename, 'r', pluginname=pluginname, samprate=samprate, sampbit=sampbit, nchannels=nchannels, filetype=filetype, params=params) as pf: nframes = pf.getnframes() if isinstance(samples, str): datatype = samples if isinstance(datatype, tuple): samples = datatype start = 0 finish = -1 if samples: if samples[0] > 0: start = int(samples[0]) if len(samples) >= 2 and samples[1] > 0: finish = max(int(samples[1]), start) if start > 0: pf.setpos(start) nframes -= start remain = finish - start if remain >= 0: nframes = min(nframes, remain) if nframes <= 0: data = None else: if datatype == 'double': data = pf.readframes(nframes, weight=weight, arraytype=arraytype, channelwise=channelwise) elif datatype in ('raw', 'native'): data = pf.readrawframes(nframes, weight=weight, arraytype=arraytype, channelwise=channelwise) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown datatype: %s' % datatype) samprate = pf.getsamprate() if getparamstuple: oparams = pf.getparamstuple(decodebytes) else: oparams = pf.getparams() rettup = (data, samprate, oparams) except Exception: raise return rettup
[ドキュメント]def audiowrite(filename, data, samprate=0, nchannels=0, sampbit=0, *, datatype=None, weight=1.0, offset=0, length=0, pluginname=None, filetype=None, songinfo=None, params=None): """Writes data to an audio file by using a plugin. Args: filename (str): The name of the file to open. data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A array to send data to the audio file. samprate (double, optional): Sample rate. nchannels (int, optional): The number of channels. sampbit (int, optional): Bits/sample. datatype (str, optional): The format of the input data. ``'double'`` case makes :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.write` method used and ``'raw'`` case makes :func:`~spplugin.SpFilePlugin.writeraw` method used internally. Note that ``'raw'`` case ignores `weight` argument. In some array types, this parameter can be detected automatically. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data before writing. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional write length for the array. pluginname (str, optional): The name of the plugin used when this function cannot find the suitable plugin. Otherwise, :class:`~spplugin.SuitableNotFoundError` exception will be raised. If you want to write data to a raw file, specify ``'output_raw'`` . filetype (str, optional): File type string. songinfo (dict, optional): Song information. params (dict, optional): All acceptable parameters in dict format. Returns: int: The written number of frames if successful, -1 otherwise. Raises: SuitableNotFoundError: If no suitable plugin is found. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ if type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np if nchannels <= 0 and data.ndim >= 2: nchannels = data.shape[1] if np.issubdtype('f8', data.dtype): datatype = 'double' else: datatype = 'raw' elif isinstance(data, array.array): if data.typecode == 'd': datatype = 'double' else: datatype = 'raw' if not datatype: raise RuntimeError('datatype must be specified') nwframes = 0 try: with open(filename, 'w', pluginname=pluginname, samprate=samprate, sampbit=sampbit, nchannels=nchannels, filetype=filetype, params=params) as pf: if datatype == 'double': nwframes = pf.write(data, weight=weight, offset=offset, length=length) elif datatype in ('raw', 'native'): nwframes = pf.writeraw(data, offset=offset, length=length) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown datatype: %s' % datatype) if nwframes > 0: nwframes = nwframes // pf.getnchannels() except Exception: raise return nwframes