spaudio のソースコード

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A python module for audio I/O based on `spAudio <>`_.

    The following is the example to realize fullduplex audio I/O (version 0.7.15+).

        import spaudio

        with'rw', nchannels=2, samprate=44100, buffersize=2048) as a:
            nloop = 500
            b = bytearray(4096)

            for i in range(nloop):

import locale
import warnings
import array
from collections import namedtuple
from _spaudio import spaudio_c as _spaudio_c

__version__ = '0.7.16'


_audio_global = None
_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
_defaultdrivername = _spaudio_c.xspGetAudioDriverName(0)
_ischarbinary = isinstance(_defaultdrivername, bytes)

def _isnamedtupleinstance(x):
    t = type(x)
    b = t.__bases__
    if len(b) != 1 or b[0] != tuple:
        return False
    f = getattr(t, '_fields', None)
    if not isinstance(f, tuple):
        return False
    return all(type(n) == str for n in f)

[ドキュメント]class Error(Exception): """Base exception class for spaudio.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class DriverError(Error): """Exception raised by audio driver problems.""" pass
[ドキュメント]class DeviceError(Error): """Exception raised by audio device problems.""" pass
_StandardLibParams = namedtuple('_standard_lib_params', 'nchannels sampwidth framerate nframes comptype compname') _STANDARD_LIB_KEYS = ['nchannels', 'sampwidth', 'framerate', 'nframes', 'comptype', 'compname'] PARAMS_KEYS = ['nchannels', 'sampbit', 'samprate', 'blockingmode', 'buffersize', 'nbuffers', 'sampwidth', 'framerate']
[ドキュメント]def callbacksignature(audio, calltype, cbdata, args): """Signature of the callback function for :func:`~spaudio.SpAudio.setcallback` method. Args: audio (SpAudio): An instance of :class:`~spaudio.SpAudio` class. calltype (int): The callback type. ``OUTPUT_POSITION_CALLBACK`` or ``OUTPUT_BUFFER_CALLBACK``. cbdata: Callback-depend data. A position (int) on ``OUTPUT_POSITION_CALLBACK`` or a buffer (bytes) on ``OUTPUT_BUFFER_CALLBACK``. args: Variable length argument list specified at :func:`~spaudio.SpAudio.setcallback`. Note that this `args` variable does not require the prefix ``*``. Returns: bool: ``False`` if you don't want to fire callbacks anymore. """ return True
[ドキュメント]class SpAudio: """A class for audio I/O. Args: drivername (str): the driver name to initialize. """ def __init__(self, drivername=None): self._audio = None self._read_mode = ' ' self._write_mode = ' ' self._initdriver(drivername) def __del__(self): self.terminate() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.terminate()
[ドキュメント] def reload(self, drivername=None): """Reloads a new audio driver.""" self.terminate() self._initdriver(drivername)
[ドキュメント] def terminate(self): """Terminates the current audio driver.""" if self._read_mode[0] == 'r' or self._write_mode[0] == 'w': self.close() global _audio_global if (self._audio is not None) and (self._audio is _audio_global): _spaudio_c._spFreeAudioDriver(self._audio) _audio_global = None self._audio = None
def _initdriver(self, drivername=None): """Initializes the audio driver.""" if drivername is not None: global _ischarbinary if _ischarbinary: global _encoding encodedname = drivername.encode(_encoding) else: encodedname = drivername else: encodedname = None global _audio_global if _audio_global is not None: self._audio = _audio_global else: self._audio = _spaudio_c.spInitAudioDriver(encodedname) if self._audio is None: raise DriverError('cannot load audio driver') _audio_global = self._audio
[ドキュメント] def getndevices(self): """Gets the number of audio devices.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, numdevice = _spaudio_c.spGetNumAudioDevice(self._audio) if flag: return numdevice else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getdevicename(self, deviceindex): """Gets the name of the audio device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if deviceindex < 0 or deviceindex >= self.getndevices(): raise ValueError('0 <= index < %d is required' % self.getndevices()) name = _spaudio_c.xspGetAudioDeviceName(self._audio, deviceindex) if name is not None: global _ischarbinary if _ischarbinary: global _encoding return name.decode(_encoding) else: return name else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getdevicelist(self): """Gets the list of audio devices.""" alist = [] for i in range(self.getndevices()): alist.append(self.getdevicename(i)) return alist
[ドキュメント] def selectdevice(self, deviceindex): """Selects an audio device which has the index specified. Args: deviceindex (int): The index associated with an audio device. Raises: ValueError: If `deviceindex` is greater than or equal to the number of devices. DriverError: If the audio device cannot be selected. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if deviceindex < 0 or deviceindex >= self.getndevices(): raise ValueError('0 <= index < %d is required' % self.getndevices()) flag = _spaudio_c.spSelectAudioDevice(self._audio, deviceindex) if not flag: raise DriverError('cannot select the audio device')
[ドキュメント] def setcallback(self, calltype, func, *args): """Sets a callback function. Args: calltype (int): A combination of callback types. ``OUTPUT_POSITION_CALLBACK`` and ``OUTPUT_BUFFER_CALLBACK`` are supported currently. func (callable): Callback function. The callback must have a signature in the :func:`~spaudio.callbacksignature` document. *args: Variable length argument list. Raises: DriverError: If the callback function cannot be set. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioCallbackFunc_(self._audio, calltype, (func, self, args)) if not flag: raise DriverError('cannot set a callback function')
[ドキュメント] def setsamprate(self, samprate): """Sets sample rate of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioSampleRate(self._audio, samprate) if not flag: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def setframerate(self, samprate): """Sets sample rate of the current device.""" self.setsamprate(samprate)
[ドキュメント] def getsamprate(self): """Gets sample rate of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, samprate = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioSampleRate(self._audio) if flag: return samprate else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getframerate(self): """Gets sample rate of the current device.""" return self.getsamprate()
[ドキュメント] def setsampbit(self, sampbit): """Sets bits/sample of the current device. sampbit = 33 means 32bit float.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if sampbit < 8: raise ValueError('sampbit >= 8 is required') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioSampleBit(self._audio, sampbit) if not flag: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def setsampwidth(self, sampwidth, floatflag=False): """Sets bytes/sample of the current device.""" sampbit = sampwidth * 8 if floatflag: sampbit += 1 return self.setsampbit(sampbit)
[ドキュメント] def getsampbit(self): """Gets bits/sample of the current device. sampbit = 33 means 32bit float.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, sampbit = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioSampleBit(self._audio) if flag: return sampbit else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getsampwidth(self): """Gets bytes/sample of the current device.""" return self.getsampbit() // 8
[ドキュメント] def getrawsampbit(self): """Gets the bits/sample for a raw array.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, sampbit = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioSpecifiedSampleBit(self._audio) if flag: if sampbit < 16: return 16 elif 16 < sampbit <= 32: return 32 else: return sampbit else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getrawsampwidth(self): """Gets the bytes/sample for a raw array.""" return self.getrawsampbit() // 8
[ドキュメント] def setnchannels(self, nchannels): """Sets the number of channels of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if nchannels <= 0: raise ValueError('nchannels >= 1 is required') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioChannel(self._audio, nchannels) if not flag: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getnchannels(self): """Gets the number of channels of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, nchannels = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioChannel(self._audio) if flag: return nchannels else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def setbuffersize(self, buffersize): """Sets the buffer size of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioBufferSize(self._audio, buffersize) if not flag: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getbuffersize(self): """Gets the buffer size of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, buffersize = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioBufferSize(self._audio) if flag: return buffersize else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def setnbuffers(self, nbuffers): """Sets the number of buffers of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if nbuffers <= 0: raise ValueError('nbuffers >= 1 is required') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioNumBuffer(self._audio, nbuffers) if not flag: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getnbuffers(self): """Gets the number of buffers of the current device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, nbuffers = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioNumBuffer(self._audio) if flag: return nbuffers else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def setblockingmode(self, mode): """Sets the blocking mode of the current device. Args: mode (int): 0 = blocking mode (default), 1 = nonblocking mode.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spSetAudioBlockingMode(self._audio, mode) if not flag: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getblockingmode(self): """Gets the blocking mode of the current device. Returns: int: 0 = blocking mode (default), 1 = nonblocking mode. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag, mode = _spaudio_c.spGetAudioBlockingMode(self._audio) if flag: return mode else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント] def getcomptype(self, decodebytes=False): """Returns compression type. Currently, ``'NONE'`` (decodebytes = ``True``) or ``b'NONE'`` (decodebytes = ``False``) will be returned.""" if decodebytes: return 'NONE' else: return b'NONE'
[ドキュメント] def getcompname(self, decodebytes=False): """Returns human-readable name of compression type. Currently, ``'not compressed'`` (decodebytes = ``True``) or ``b'not compressed'`` (decodebytes = ``False``) will be returned. """ if decodebytes: return 'not compressed' else: return b'not compressed'
[ドキュメント] def setcomptype(self, encodestr=True): """Sets compression type. This parameter is ignored.""" pass
[ドキュメント] def setparams(self, params): """Sets supported all parameters described in dict or namedtuple object to the device. Args: params (dict): a dict object of parameters whose keys are ``'nchannels'``, ``'sampbit'``, ``'samprate'``, ``'blockingmode'``, ``'buffersize'``, or ``'nbuffers'``. The namedtuple generated by standard libraries such as aifc, wave, or sunau is also acceptable. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') # if isinstance(params, namedtuple): if _isnamedtupleinstance(params): # some versions of Python include _asdist() bug. params = dict(zip(params._fields, params)) elif isinstance(params, tuple): params = dict(zip(_STANDARD_LIB_KEYS, params)) sampbit = 0 for key, value in params.items(): if key == 'sampwidth': if sampbit == 0: sampbit = value * 8 elif key == 'sampbit': sampbit = value elif key == 'nchannels': self.setnchannels(value) elif key in ('samprate', 'framerate'): self.setsamprate(value) elif key == 'blockingmode': self.setblockingmode(value) elif key == 'buffersize': self.setbuffersize(value) elif key == 'nbuffers': self.setnbuffers(value) if sampbit > 0: self.setsampbit(sampbit)
[ドキュメント] def getparams(self): """Gets supported all parameters of the current device in dict object. Returns: dict: A dict object including all parameters of the current device whose keys are ``'nchannels'``, ``'sampbit'``, ``'samprate'``, ``'blockingmode'``, ``'buffersize'``, and ``'nbuffers'``. """ return dict(nchannels=self.getnchannels(), sampbit=self.getsampbit(), samprate=self.getsamprate(), blockingmode=self.getblockingmode(), buffersize=self.getbuffersize(), nbuffers=self.getnbuffers(), sampwidth=self.getrawsampwidth(), framerate=self.getframerate())
[ドキュメント] def getparamstuple(self, decodebytes=False, nframes=0): """Gets supported all parameters of the current device in namedtuple object. Args: decodebytes (bool, optional): ``True`` decodes bytes objects into string objects for ``'comptype'`` and ``'compname'``. The standard libraries of wave and sunau expect a decoded string object while the standard aifc library expects a bytes object. nframes (int, optional): Specify the number of frames of an audio file, otherwise 4th element of the output tuple will be 0. Returns: namedtuple: A namedtuple object including all parameters of the current device whose entries are ``(nchannels, sampwidth, framerate, nframes, comptype, compname)`` . This object is compatible with the argument of ``setparams()`` of standard libraries such as aifc, wave, or sunau. """ return _StandardLibParams(self.getnchannels(), self.getsampwidth(), self.getframerate(), nframes, self.getcomptype(decodebytes), self.getcompname(decodebytes))
def _checksecondopen(self, mode): if (mode[0] == 'w' and self._read_mode[0] == 'r') \ or (mode[0] == 'r' and self._write_mode[0] == 'w'): raise RuntimeError('cannot set parameters in 2nd open call')
[ドキュメント] def open(self, mode, *, callback=None, deviceindex=-1, samprate=0, sampbit=0, nchannels=0, blockingmode=-1, buffersize=0, nbuffers=0, params=None): """Opens the current audio device. Args: mode (str): Device opening mode. ``'r'`` means read mode, ``'w'`` means write mode. ``'ro'`` and ``'wo'`` which mean read only and write only modes are also supported. Although these modes validate only the specified mode, some environments recieve a benefit that the processing becomes faster. callback (tuple, optional): The callback function included in tuple which contains all arguments for :func:`~spaudio.SpAudio.setcallback` method. deviceindex (int, optional): The index of the audio device. samprate (double, optional): Sample rate of the device. sampbit (int, optional): Bits/sample of the device. nchannels (int, optional): The number of channels of the device. blockingmode (int, optional): 0 = blocking mode (default), 1 = nonblocking mode. buffersize (int, optional): The buffer size of the device. nbuffers (int, optional): The number of buffers of the device. params (dict, optional): A dict object which can contain any above parameters from `samprate` to `nbuffers`. Note: Support for the keyword arguments was added in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if callback is not None: if isinstance(callback, tuple): self.setcallback(*callback) else: self.setcallback(OUTPUT_POSITION_CALLBACK | OUTPUT_BUFFER_CALLBACK, callback, None) if params is not None: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setparams(params) if deviceindex != -1: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.selectdevice(deviceindex) if samprate != 0: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setsamprate(samprate) if sampbit != 0: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setsampbit(sampbit) if nchannels != 0: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setnchannels(nchannels) if blockingmode != -1: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setblockingmode(blockingmode) if buffersize != 0: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setbuffersize(buffersize) if nbuffers != 0: self._checksecondopen(mode) self.setnbuffers(nbuffers) if mode[0] == 'r': if self._write_mode[-1] == 'o': raise RuntimeError('device has been opened with write only mode') elif self._read_mode[0] == 'r': raise RuntimeError('device has already been opened') self._read_mode = mode elif mode[0] == 'w': if self._read_mode[-1] == 'o': raise RuntimeError('device has been opened with read only mode') elif self._write_mode[0] == 'w': raise RuntimeError('device has already been opened') self._write_mode = mode else: raise RuntimeError('unknown open mode: %s' % mode) global _ischarbinary if _ischarbinary: mode2 = mode.encode('utf-8') else: mode2 = mode flag = _spaudio_c.spOpenAudioDevice(self._audio, mode2) if not flag: raise DeviceError('cannot open audio device')
[ドキュメント] def close(self): """Closes the current audio device.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spCloseAudioDevice(self._audio) self._read_mode = ' ' self._write_mode = ' ' if not flag: raise DeviceError('cannot close audio device')
[ドキュメント] def stop(self): """Stops audio I/O.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spStopAudio(self._audio) if not flag: raise DeviceError('cannot stop audio I/O')
[ドキュメント] def sync(self): """Synchronizes audio I/O.""" if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') flag = _spaudio_c.spSyncAudio(self._audio) if not flag: raise DeviceError('cannot synchronize audio I/O')
[ドキュメント] def getrawarraytypecode(self): """Gets the type code for python array to store raw data. Returns: char: A type code for the current settings. """ sampbit = self.getrawsampbit() if sampbit >= 64: typecode = 'd' elif sampbit >= 33: typecode = 'f' elif sampbit > 16: # sampbit >= 32 typecode = 'l' else: typecode = 'h' return typecode
[ドキュメント] def createrawarray(self, length, nframesflag=False): """Creates a raw array for the current device settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. Returns: array.array: An array class object for the current device settings. """ if nframesflag: length = int(length) * self.getnchannels() size = int(length) * self.getrawsampwidth() buffer = bytearray(size) return array.array(self.getrawarraytypecode(), buffer)
[ドキュメント] def getarraytypecode(self): """Gets the type code for python array to store double-precision data. Returns: char: A type code of a double-precision array for the current settings. """ return 'd'
[ドキュメント] def createarray(self, length, nframesflag=False): """Creates a double-precision array for the current device settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. Returns: array.array: An array class object for the current device settings. """ if nframesflag: length = int(length) * self.getnchannels() size = int(length) * 8 buffer = bytearray(size) return array.array(self.getarraytypecode(), buffer)
[ドキュメント] def getrawndarraydtype(self): """Gets the dtype string for numpy ndarray to store raw data. Returns: string: A dtype string for the current settings. """ sampbit = self.getrawsampbit() if sampbit >= 64: dtypestr = 'f8' elif sampbit >= 33: dtypestr = 'f4' elif sampbit > 16: # sampbit >= 32 dtypestr = 'i4' else: dtypestr = 'i2' return dtypestr
[ドキュメント] def createrawndarray(self, length, nframesflag=False, channelwise=False): """Creates a raw numpy ndarray for the current device settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned array into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is introduced in Version 0.7.16. Returns: numpy.ndarray: An ndarray class object for the current device settings. """ import numpy as np nchannels = self.getnchannels() if nframesflag: nframes = int(length) length = nframes * nchannels else: length = int(length) nframes = length // nchannels size = length * self.getrawsampwidth() buffer = bytearray(size) oarray = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=self.getrawndarraydtype()) if channelwise: oarray.resize((nframes, nchannels)) return oarray
[ドキュメント] def getndarraydtype(self): """Gets the dtype string for numpy ndarray to store double-precision data. Returns: string: A dtype string for the current settings. """ return 'f8'
[ドキュメント] def createndarray(self, length, nframesflag=False, channelwise=False): """Creates a numpy double-precision array for the current device settings. Args: length: A length of the array. Note that this length is not identical to the number of frames (length = nframes * nchannels). If you want to specify the number of frames, the second argument must be ``True``. nframesflag (bool, optional): ``True`` makes the first argument be treated as the number of frames. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned array into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is introduced in Version 0.7.16. Returns: numpy.ndarray: An ndarray class object for the current device settings. """ import numpy as np nchannels = self.getnchannels() if nframesflag: nframes = int(length) length = nframes * nchannels else: length = int(length) nframes = length // nchannels size = length * 8 buffer = bytearray(size) oarray = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=self.getndarraydtype()) if channelwise: oarray.resize((nframes, nchannels)) return oarray
[ドキュメント] def readraw(self, data, offset=0, length=0): """Reads raw data from the audio device. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A raw array to receive raw data from the audio device. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional read length for the array. Returns: int: The read size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._read_mode[0] != 'r': raise RuntimeError('device must be opened with read mode') if isinstance(data, bytearray): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np buffer = else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') offsetbyte = int(offset) * self.getrawsampwidth() if offset > 0 else 0 lengthbyte = int(length) * self.getrawsampwidth() if length > 0 else 0 nread = _spaudio_c.spReadAudioBuffer_(self._audio, buffer, offsetbyte, lengthbyte) return nread // self.getrawsampwidth() if nread > 0 else nread
[ドキュメント] def writeraw(self, data, offset=0, length=0): """Writes data of a raw array to the audio device. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A raw array to send data to the audio device. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional write length for the array. Returns: int: The written size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._write_mode[0] != 'w': raise RuntimeError('device must be opened with write mode') if isinstance(data, (bytearray, bytes)): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np buffer = else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') offsetbyte = int(offset) * self.getrawsampwidth() if offset > 0 else 0 lengthbyte = int(length) * self.getrawsampwidth() if length > 0 else 0 nwrite = _spaudio_c.spWriteAudioBuffer_(self._audio, buffer, offsetbyte, lengthbyte) return nwrite // self.getrawsampwidth() if nwrite > 0 else nwrite
[ドキュメント] def read(self, data, weight=1.0, offset=0, length=0): """Reads data to a double-precision array from the audio device. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A double-precision array to receive data from the audio device. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data after reading. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional read length for the array. Returns: int: The read size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._read_mode[0] != 'r': raise RuntimeError('device must be opened with read mode') if isinstance(data, bytearray): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): if data.typecode != 'd': raise RuntimeError('the typecode must be \'d\'') buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np if not np.issubdtype('f8', data.dtype): raise RuntimeError('the dtype must be \'f8\' (\'float64\')') buffer = else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') return _spaudio_c.spReadAudioDoubleBufferWeighted_(self._audio, buffer, weight, offset, length)
[ドキュメント] def write(self, data, weight=1.0, offset=0, length=0): """Writes data of a double-precision array to the audio device. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A double-precision array to send data to the audio device. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data before writing. offset (int, optional): Optional offset location for the array. length (int, optional): Optional write length for the array. Returns: int: The written size if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: The keyword arguments of `offset` and `length` were introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ if self._audio is None: raise RuntimeError('driver must be loaded') if data is None or len(data) <= 0: raise ValueError('a valid buffer must be specified') if self._write_mode[0] != 'w': raise RuntimeError('device must be opened with write mode') if isinstance(data, (bytearray, bytes)): buffer = data elif isinstance(data, array.array): if data.typecode != 'd': raise RuntimeError('the typecode must be \'d\'') buffer = memoryview(data) elif type(data).__name__ == 'ndarray': import numpy as np if not np.issubdtype('f8', data.dtype): raise RuntimeError('the dtype must be \'f8\' (\'float64\')') buffer = else: raise RuntimeError('unsupported data type') return _spaudio_c.spWriteAudioDoubleBufferWeighted_(self._audio, buffer, weight, offset, length)
[ドキュメント] def readframes(self, nframes, weight=1.0, arraytype='ndarray', channelwise=False): """Reads and returns the next `nframes` data of a double-precision array. Args: nframes (int): The number of frames to read. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data after reading. arraytype (str, optional): The type of output array. The value must be ``'ndarray'`` (default), ``'array'``, or ``'bytearray'``. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned ndarray into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is valid only in ``arraytype='ndarray'`` case. Returns: numpy.ndarray, array.array or bytearray: The output array object containing read data. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ if nframes <= 0: raise RuntimeError('invalid nframes value') length = int(nframes) * self.getnchannels() if arraytype in ('ndarray', 'numpy.ndarray'): data = self.createndarray(length, channelwise=channelwise) elif arraytype in ('array', 'array.array'): data = self.createarray(length) elif arraytype == 'bytearray': data = bytearray(length * 8) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown arraytype: %s' % arraytype) nread =, weight=weight) if nread != length: warnings.warn('The read length (%d) is different from the buffer length (%d)' % (nread, length)) return data
[ドキュメント] def readrawframes(self, nframes, arraytype='ndarray', channelwise=False): """Reads and returns the next `nframes` data of a raw array. Args: nframes (int): The number of frames to read. arraytype (str, optional): The type of output array. The value must be ``'ndarray'`` (default), ``'array'``, or ``'bytearray'``. channelwise (bool, optional): ``True`` resizes the returned ndarray into (nframes, nchannels) matrix. This argument is valid only in ``arraytype='ndarray'`` case. Returns: numpy.ndarray, array.array or bytearray: The output array object containing read data. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ if nframes <= 0: raise RuntimeError('invalid nframes value') length = int(nframes) * self.getnchannels() if arraytype in ('ndarray', 'numpy.ndarray'): data = self.createrawndarray(length, channelwise=channelwise) elif arraytype in ('array', 'array.array'): data = self.createrawarray(length) elif arraytype == 'bytearray': data = bytearray(length * self.getrawsampwidth()) else: raise RuntimeError('unknown arraytype: %s' % arraytype) nread = self.readraw(data) if nread != length: warnings.warn('The read length (%d) is different from the buffer length (%d)' % (nread, length)) return data
[ドキュメント] def writeframes(self, data, weight=1.0): """Writes data of a double-precision array to the audio device. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A double-precision array to send data to the audio device. weight (double, optional): A weighting factor multiplied to data before writing. Returns: int: The written number of frames if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ nwrite = self.write(data, weight=weight) if nwrite > 0: nwrite = nwrite // self.getnchannels() return nwrite
[ドキュメント] def writerawframes(self, data): """Writes data of a raw array to the audio device. Args: data (bytearray, array.array or numpy.ndarray): A raw array to send data to the audio device. Returns: int: The written number of frames if successful, -1 otherwise. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.16. """ nwrite = self.writeraw(data) if nwrite > 0: nwrite = nwrite // self.getnchannels() return nwrite
[ドキュメント]def getndrivers(): """Gets the number of drivers.""" return _spaudio_c.spGetNumAudioDriver()
[ドキュメント]def getdrivername(index): """Gets the name of the driver which has the index specified. Args: index (int): The index associated with the audio driver. Returns: string: A string containing the driver name. Raises: ValueError: If `index` is greater than or equal to the number of drivers. """ if index < 0 or index >= getndrivers(): raise ValueError('0 <= index < %d is required' % getndrivers()) name = _spaudio_c.xspGetAudioDriverName(index) if name is not None: global _ischarbinary if _ischarbinary: return name.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) else: return name else: raise DriverError('audio driver error')
[ドキュメント]def getdriverlist(): """Gets a list of driver names.""" alist = [] for i in range(getndrivers()): alist.append(getdrivername(i)) return alist
[ドキュメント]def getndriverdevices(drivername=None): """Gets the number of devices in the driver.""" if drivername is not None: global _ischarbinary if _ischarbinary: encodedname = drivername.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) else: encodedname = drivername else: encodedname = None return _spaudio_c.spGetNumAudioDriverDevice(encodedname)
[ドキュメント]def getdriverdevicename(index, drivername=None): """Gets the name of the device in the driver. Args: index (int): The index associated with the audio device. drivername (str): Optional driver name. Returns: string: A string containing the device name. Raises: ValueError: If `index` is greater than or equal to the number of devices. """ global _ischarbinary if index < 0 or index >= getndriverdevices(drivername): raise ValueError('0 <= index < %d is required' % getndriverdevices(drivername)) if drivername is not None: if _ischarbinary: encodedname = drivername.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) else: encodedname = drivername else: encodedname = None devicename = _spaudio_c.xspGetAudioDriverDeviceName(encodedname, index) if devicename is not None: if _ischarbinary: return devicename.decode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) else: return devicename else: return ''
[ドキュメント]def open(mode, *, drivername=None, callback=None, deviceindex=-1, samprate=0, sampbit=0, nchannels=0, blockingmode=-1, buffersize=0, nbuffers=0, params=None): """Opens an audio device. This function may be used in a ``with`` statement. Args: mode (str): Device opening mode. ``'r'`` means read mode, ``'w'`` means write mode. ``'ro'`` and ``'wo'`` which mean read only and write only modes are also supported. Although these modes validate only the specified mode, some environments recieve a benefit that the processing becomes faster. In this function, ``'rw'`` which means open with ``'w'`` after ``'r'`` is also supported. drivername (str, optional): The driver name to initialize. callback (tuple, optional): The callback function included in tuple which contains all arguments for :func:`~spaudio.SpAudio.setcallback` method. deviceindex (int, optional): The index of the audio device. samprate (double, optional): Sample rate of the device. sampbit (int, optional): Bits/sample of the device. nchannels (int, optional): The number of channels of the device. blockingmode (int, optional): 0 = blocking mode (default), 1 = nonblocking mode. buffersize (int, optional): The buffer size of the device. nbuffers (int, optional): The number of buffers of the device. params (dict, optional): A dict object which can contain any above parameters from `samprate` to `nbuffers`. Returns: SpAudio: A new instance of :class:`~spaudio.SpAudio` class. Note: This function was introduced in Version 0.7.15. """ audio = SpAudio(drivername) if mode[0] == 'r': modefirst = 'ro' if mode[1] == 'o' else 'r' elif mode[0] == 'w': modefirst = 'wo' if mode[1] == 'o' else 'w' else: raise RuntimeError('unknown open mode: %s' % mode) modesecond = None if mode[0] == 'w': if mode[1] == 'r': modesecond = 'r' elif mode[1] != 'o': raise RuntimeError('unknown open mode: %s' % mode) elif mode[0] == 'r': if mode[1] == 'w': modesecond = 'w' elif mode[1] != 'o': raise RuntimeError('unknown open mode: %s' % mode), callback=callback, deviceindex=deviceindex, samprate=samprate, sampbit=sampbit, nchannels=nchannels, blockingmode=blockingmode, buffersize=buffersize, nbuffers=nbuffers, params=params) if modesecond is not None: return audio
if __name__ == '__main__': driverlist = getdriverlist() for i in range(getndrivers()): print('Driver %d: %s' % (i, driverlist[i])) for j in range(getndriverdevices(driverlist[i])): print(' Device %d: %s' % (j, getdriverdevicename(j, driverlist[i])))