User's Guide > Menu Reference > Edit Menu
Menus for editing a file. When you edit a file, spwave adds a sign `*' to the file name so as to indicate the file was edited. If you reach the state that the file is not edited by undoing or saving files, the sign `*' will be cleared.
Almost all edit operations can be stopped by Stop Processing.
Undo edit operation.
Redo edit operation.
Selected region is cropped.
Selected region is removed.
The values of selected region are set to 0.
Extract selected region into a new window. Since the file of the window doesn't have a name, you have to choose `Save As' in saving the file.
Same operation can be executed by drag & drop. Dragging the selected region into the outside of the window and releasing the button leads to Extract.
The selected region is extracted and the extracted file will be named automatically. Moreover, the extracted region is displayed in the original window. Naming strategy can be set by Autosave of Preference Dialog.
Cut the selected region and copy the data into the clipboard.
Copy data of the selected region into the clipboard.
Concatenante the clipboard contents into the tail of the file.
Concatenante the clipboard contents into the head of the file.
Display contents of the clipboard. The clipboard contents can be edited just like other waveform windows. spwave has only one clipboard window. In other words, the same clipboard is used for all windows.
Change amplitude of the selected region. The amplify rate can be specified by dB or percentages.
Invert amplitude of the selected region.
Fade in the selected region. Linear fade in is used.
Fade out the selected region. Linear fade out is used.
Swap the selected channels. The left and right will be swapped in a stereo file. When the file has multiple channels ordered 1, 2, 3, ..., N, the order of channels of the resultant file is N, N-1, ..., 3, 2, 1.
Maximize the whole file. 100 % (0 dB) means that the maximum value of the waveform has upper (or lower) limit value, e.g. 32767 in absolute value in 16 bits/sample file. The maximize rate can be specified by dB or percentages.
Convert the bits/sample of the file. `32 (float)' means 32 bits floating format.
Convert the sampling frequency of the file. The conversion will be executed by clicking OK button of Samploing frequency conversion dialog. Some settings in the dialog can cause time-consuming conversion.
Monauralize the file. This menu is vaild when the channels of the file is more than 2.
Execute filtering of the file. The filtering will be executed by clicking OK button of Filtering dialog.
Edit the metadata of the file. Clicking OK button of File Metadata Dialog leads to modifying the metadata information. Some items that the file format doesn't support cannot be edited.
In the current implementation, spwave will reproduce the entire file instead of replacing the metadata information of the file. Therefore, saving the file after editing the metadata information will cause degradation if the file is compressed in lossy manner such as MP3. So, editing the metadata information is recommended only for the files in linear PCM or lossless format (executing Save As a file in linear PCM or lossless format which can include metadata information is no problem).
Change settings of spwave. Clicking OK or Apply buttons of Preference Dialog changes the settings. These settings are valid in the next execution of spwave.
Change settings for Analysis. Clicking OK or Apply buttons of Analysis Dialog. Clicking Apply button applies immediately the setting into all analysis windows.
User's Guide > Menu Reference > Edit Menu
Last modified: "2023-04-21 21:39:39 hideki"